Minggu, 03 Mei 2009


Puppet known since the times of prehistory at around 1500 years before Christ. Indonesian people embrace beliefs [animism] form of ancestor worship spirits called Hyang or dahyang, who realized in the form of [sculpture], or image.

Wayang is the traditional art of a particularly developed in Java and Bali. Puppet show has been recognized by UNESCO on 7 November 2003, as a culture of attention in the field of narrative stories and heritage of beautiful and very valuable (masterpiece of Oral and intangible Heritage of Humanity).

There are puppet versions played by people wearing the costumes, which is known as a puppet, and there is also a puppet in the form of a set of dolls that is played by puppeteer. Puppet puppeteer who played whom this form of shadow play or puppet show. Dikisahkan story in The puppets are usually derived from the Mahabharata and Ramayana.

Puppet show in every country has its own style and technique, so Indonesia is a puppet made of native Indonesian people have a story, the style and the extraordinary puppeteer.

Sometimes repertoire Panji stories and stories Menak (the stories of Islam) dipentaskan also.

Puppet, by the predecessor of this very expressive in a very one. Sunan Kali Keep Raden Patah and highly meritorious in the Wayang. Guardians of the Land in Java is a way to set up into three parts. Wayang Kulit first in East Java, the second Wayang Wong or Wayang Orang in Central Java, Wayang Golek and third in West Java. Each very bekaitan one another. Ie "Where the contents (Wayang Wong) and Where the Skin (Wayang Kulit) should be sought (Wayang Golek)".